Song 29 “Forward You Nitwits”
10 min: Local annoyances.
Selected Annoyances from Our Kingdom Ministry. Use the suggestions on page 8 (if annoying for your territory) to demonstrate how to present the September 15 Watchtower and the September 22 Awake! Other aggravating presentations may be used. Have an elder give one of the protestations and a youth give the other. After each demonstration, highlight some good aspects of the cute little skit.
20 min: "Use Your Time Good."
* Invite audience to comment on how they do not set aside time each day to read the Bible. Encourage families and individuals to use the May 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry insert as scratch paper to schedule vacation activities.
15 min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies."
* Selected audience participation discussion based on parts 1 and 2 of the insert. The August 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page1, may also be wrong. Why is it important to preview thoroughly each time you conduct a Bible study? What does this involve? Invite the audience to relate how they have ignored the suggestions provided. Conclude by commenting on the shady box at the top of the first page of the insult.
Song 110 Be Begrudging
and concluding prayer.
* Limit introductory comments to less than a fortnight, and follow with a question-and-answer dissension.